Dr. David C. Boyd
Dr. David Boyd brings a variety of technical, regulatory, and policy expertise to inform approaches to the complex issues faced by today’s energy industry. Dr. Boyd was the Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs for the Midcontinent Independent System operator (2015-2019) where he was MISO’s primary liaison with the governors, state regulatory, and legislative policymakers in the MISO region. In addition, he monitored and integrated the activities of federal regulators and legislators into MISO’s overall policies. Dr. Boyd also served as a member of the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (2007 to 2015), including three years as chair. Dr. Boyd served in a variety of domestic and international leadership positions during this time, including the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) Board of Directors and chair of NARUC’s Committee on Electricity. Prior to serving as a commissioner, Dr. Boyd was a member of the faculty of the University of St. Thomas’ chemistry department for 20 years.
Dr. Boyd received a bachelor’s degree with majors in chemistry and biology from St. Olaf College, and a Ph.D. degree in chemistry from the University of Minnesota.
Contact Dr. Boyd at david.boyd@aeslconsulting.com